Volume 49 (2004),
issue 1
Special issue: Risk-based water defence
Editorial: Risk based water
P.H. Waarts and A.C.W.M. Vrouwenvelder
Risk management of large scale
P.H. Waarts and A.C.W.M. Vrouwenvelder
Application of
reliability-based flood defence design in the UK
F.A. Buijs, H.A.J.M. van Gelder and J.W. Hall
Reliability analysis of flood
defence systems
H.M.G.M. Steenbergen, B.L. Lassing, A.C.W.M. Vrouwenvelder and
P.H. Waarts
Optimal design of flood
defence systems in a changing climate
H.G. Voortman and J.K. Vrijling
Cost benefit analysis and
flood damage mitigation in the Netherlands
S.N. Jonkman, M. Brinkhuis-Jak, M. Kok