Volume 56 (2011), issue 1/2
Special issue: Self-healing materials
Bacteria-based self-healing concrete
H.M. Jonkers
Application of encapsulated lightweight aggregate impregnated with sodium monofluorophosphate as a self-healing agent in blast furnace slag mortar
K. Sisomphon, O. Copuroglu, A. Fraaij
Crack repair of asphalt concrete with induction energy
A. García, E. Schlangen, M. van de Ven, D. van Vliet
Towards an understanding of the self-healing capacity of asphaltic mixtures
N. Kringos, A. Schmets, A. Scarpas, T. Pauli
Self-healing of lime based mortars: microscopy observations on case studies
B. Lubelli, T.G. Nijland, R.P.J. van Hees